SAP Customer Data Cloud Integration

Note: Spartacus 4.x is no longer maintained. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Note: Spartacus 4.x was tested with SAP Commerce Cloud versions 1905 to 2205. Spartacus 4.x has not been verified to work with (and is not guaranteed to work with) SAP Commerce Cloud 2211 or later releases.

Note: This feature is introduced with version 3.2 of the Spartacus libraries.

SAP Customer Data Cloud allows you to enable customized registration and login, and also manage user profile and consent.

For more information see, SAP Customer Data Cloud Integration and SAP Customer Identity on the SAP Help Portal.

Table of Contents


To integrate SAP Customer Data Cloud with Spartacus, you must have one of the following:

  • SAP Commerce Cloud 2011, along with SAP Commerce Cloud, Integration Extension Pack 2108
  • SAP Commerce Cloud 2005, along with SAP Commerce Cloud, Integration Extension Pack
  • SAP Commerce Cloud 1905, along with the latest version of Commerce Cloud Extension Pack

Enabling SAP Customer Data Cloud Integration in Spartacus

To enable SAP Customer Data Cloud Integration in Spartacus, you need to configure both the Commerce Cloud back end, and the Spartacus front end.

Configuring the Back End for SAP Customer Data Cloud Integration

The following steps describe how to configure the Commerce Cloud back end for integration with SAP Customer Data Cloud.

  1. Follow the steps for Installing SAP Commerce Cloud for use with Spartacus.

  2. Enable the SAP Customer Data Cloud extensions for B2C.

    For more information, see SAP Customer Data Cloud Integration Implementation on the SAP Help Portal.

  3. Build and update the system so that the new functionality provided by the SAP Customer Data Cloud integration extension is available.

    This step also creates sample CMS data for the electronics-spaContentCatalog content catalog.

    Note: You can view the SAP Customer Data Cloud login page through the <spartacus-site-url>/cdc/login URL. This allows you to access the Customer Data Cloud pages and the default login page together.

  4. Update the mobile_android OAuth client (created in step 1) to support the custom authorization grant type, and remove the refresh_token grant type. The following ImpEx can be used to update the grant types:

    INSERT_UPDATE OAuthClientDetails ; clientId[unique = true] ; resourceIds ; scope ; authorizedGrantTypes                                  ; authorities ; clientSecret ; registeredRedirectUri
                                     ; mobile_android          ; hybris      ; basic ; authorization_code,password,client_credentials,custom ; ROLE_CLIENT ; secret       ; http://localhost:9001/authorizationserver/oauth2_callback ;

    Note: Refresh tokens are not supported. This ensures that the token from Commerce Cloud and the SAP Customer Data Cloud login session are maintained for the same duration of time.

  5. Define the SAP Customer Data Cloud Site configuration and link it to the electronics-spa site.

    You can also define other configurations for the integration, such as Field Mapping and Consent Templates. For more information, see SAP Customer Data Cloud Integration Implementation on the SAP Help Portal.

Configuring Spartacus for SAP Customer Data Cloud Integration

Perform the following steps after you have set up your Spartacus Storefront. For more information, see Building the Spartacus Storefront From Libraries.

  1. Install the SAP Customer Data Cloud integration library by running the following command from within the root directory of your storefront application:

    ng add @spartacus/cdc

    When you run this command, the schematics create a module for the CDC integration that includes all of the required imports and configuration.

    Note: To install the CDC integration library using schematics, your app structure needs to match the Spartacus reference app structure. For more information, see Reference App Structure.

    Alternatively, you can create the module manually and import it into your application, as shown in the following example:

    import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
    import { CdcConfig, CdcRootModule, CDC_FEATURE } from '@spartacus/cdc/root';
    import { provideConfig } from '@spartacus/core';
      declarations: [],
      imports: [CdcRootModule],
      providers: [
          featureModules: {
            [CDC_FEATURE]: {
              module: () => import('@spartacus/cdc').then((m) => m.CdcModule),
          cdc: [
              baseSite: 'electronics-spa',
              javascriptUrl: '<paste-link-to-cdc-script>',
              sessionExpiration: 3600,
    export class CdcFeatureModule {}
  2. Adjust the CDC configuration in the newly created module, as shown in the following example:

          [CDC_FEATURE]: [
              baseSite: 'electronics-spa',
              javascriptUrl: 'https://cdns.<data-center><Site-API-Key>',
              sessionExpiration: 3600,

    The following is a summary of the options that are available in the CDC configuration:

    • baseSite refers to the CMS Site that the Customer Data Cloud Site configuration should be applied to. The same should be configured in SAP Commerce Cloud Backoffice as well.

    • javascriptUrl specifies the URL of the Web SDK that you wish to load. This is constructed using the value of the Site API Key, and the data center where the Customer Data Cloud site is created. For example, https://cdns.<data-center><Site-API-Key>

    • sessionExpiration is the time (in seconds) that defines the session expiry of the SAP Customer Data Cloud session. This should match with the session expiration time of the OAuth Client to ensure that both the Customer Data Cloud session and the SAP Commerce Cloud token live for the same time.

  3. Build and start the storefront app to verify your changes.